Worried River Cruises For The Elderly?

River cruises are advertised in a way that feature mature clientele. How true is that? So we jumped onboard a 2022 Tulip featured cruise last spring to find out.


6/8/20236 min read

Friesland Holland Avalon River Cruise
Friesland Holland Avalon River Cruise

I have a lot of clients interesting in River cruises but concerned about the average age of guests. It's a funny condumdrum I think. If something peaks your interest and you can afford it, take the leap! I'm under 40 and absolutely love River Cruising. I find the more mature guest interesting and refreshing. Though we often find ourselves cruising with this in our age bracket and even younger.

My mom always talked about going on a European river cruise through Amsterdam when she retired. For years she talked about it. Sadly, she was hit by a rare neurological disease and passed away a few years ago from the complications this disease caused. Her passion for seeking out a river cruise bleed over to me. She had talked about it for so long and wasn't able to go. Why do so many of us wait to take a river cruise? How many wait so long, they never get to experience one?

I knew we wanted to go. I knew I didn't want to wait. Would we be annoying for the targeted clientele? We aren't party people, so probably not. But what what would it like? A "retirement home" on the river? Knowing that the river cruises are geared more towards though in retirement age, we wondered if it would still be fun, if we'd make friends, if we'd be the youngest people onboard, if the tours would be a snooze fest. We wondered all kinds of thing about the demographic. When we talked about our upcoming trip to friends and family, they almost all had this expression and short sided view of river cruises being vessels full old timers. If that's you, if that's what is holding you back about trying this fantastic way to travel the country side in another country. Well, then you should know, retired people are the bulk of the guest onboard. But by no means is this for the week and feeble. It is as active and adventurous as you allow it to be, or as relaxing as you wish.

We had the opportunity to take a 7 night, Tulips of Northern Holland cruise on Avalon Waterways. Oh boy, oh boy were there tulips! We toured Keukenhof at the perfect moment, as EVERYTHING was in full bloom for us. Plus, this itinerary included a very special day excursion to the 2022 Floriade Expo. This Expo happens every ten years with countries participating from all over the world. This expo last for six months, Floriade presents green solutions by innovators and smart people who make our cities more fun, live-able and sustainable. Dive into the theme ‘Growing Green Cities’ and get to know innovations in the field of green, food, health and energy. Stay tuned, I'll do a write up all about our one day experience at the Florida 2022 expo soon.

When deciding on a river cruise, we wanted more than value, we wanted immersion and to be part of something rare and unique. So this Expo inclusion was what sold us. This and Avalon felt like a good fit, they are operated by the Globus Touring company, this gives them an edge over the competitors. They have a special relationships with unique venues for tours. They have their own touring buses and travel guides and hotel partners. In the event the river is non sail-able, they swiftly, without a beat redirect you on a land journey. Plus they offer three types of included excursions for most port. Classic - your typical included excursion across river cruise lines. Like bus tours through the city and museums. Discovery -more immersion on the culture of the area you are visiting. Active- biking, kayaking and hiking, to really explore where you are.

It sounded as though, Avalon was reaching for a broader audience. Do your research and fine a line that appeals to you. Some may want the totally luxury river cruise experience, that would be AmaWaterways. Some of you might enjoy a more history rich cruise like what Viking River cruises offer. Avalon is somewhat in between these lines and just a perfect fir for us. Although, I was expecting more guest to be in their 40's -50's. Perhaps on a fuller sailing, we would have seen more of a typical age range for this line.

This cruise happen to be running shortly after operation started back up from the global shut down. Our ship was only about 60% full. That was actually perfect because as lovely as Avalon was, I can't image how tight and crowded it would have felt like at 100% full.

Boarding, we noticed right away, that yes, we were the youngest couple. I was 37 and my husband was 46 at the time. However, we meet 2 lovely couples in their early-mid 50's and everyone else was between mid 60's-late 70's. Talking with the crew, they did say it's typical for most guest to be early 50's and up, yet they get the occasional teenage grand child traveling and younger groups for event based sailings, like wine sailing and photography sailing. The age differences didn't hamper anything. Avalon offered wonderful tours, and self guided biking options that would have been find for all ages. We made some lasting friendships with other couples onboard, who we still keep in touch with.

To be able to take a river cruise before retirement age was truly amazing. The scenery! it was stunning every day, every place we went. The culture, food, staff, tours and everything is such a different world compared to the big names in ocean cruising. I understand the cost of taking on such an adventure appeals more those that are most financially stable, retired, or just taking that once in a life time trip. That's why you will see an older group of travelers on these ships. Don't for one minute think that it is a trip that doesn't offer younger adults a great time.

The guests onboard were often well traveled, interesting people that worked hard all there lives, raised families and were happy to sit and chat with us. Several people we dined with had taken another river cruise, they did admit that they were not expecting such younger passengers and hadn't ran into anyone in there 30's before on a river cruise. With that mention, I am sure it's just a luck of the draw and some river cruise lines may have a younger appeal than others. If I could go back in time, I'd probably trade in all my ocean cruises for river cruises. Maybe, maybe not. I just prefer the intimacy and scenic wonder, and all the history you are soaking up vs the deck pool parties and bingo and casinos with a heard of thousands guests on those big ocean liners. I would have never thought that river cruising was so enjoyable.

My take away and advice, if you have the opportunity to take a river cruise, don't wait till you're long in the tooth and going grey. Do it while you have extra energy to burn, take your kids or go with your parents. There is no time like the present. It's a blast for any adventurous and curious soul.

I highly recommend booking a river cruise with a river cruise specialist, like Chelsea at Odysseyfox

A travel agent or advisor will get you all the details, find the best river cruise or tour company for your party and be there for you all along the way.

Keukenhof garden of tulpis and bulbs in Holland
Keukenhof garden of tulpis and bulbs in Holland
Keukenhof garden in Holland
Keukenhof garden in Holland
River Cruise touring in Holland
River Cruise touring in Holland
Touring Holland river cruise style
Touring Holland river cruise style

Images taken our day in Keukenoff Garden in 2022. Photo by Chelsea H.

Images by Chelsea H.

Photo by Chelsea H.